Monday, February 8, 2010

Tax be or not to be?

In order to aid the recuperation of the immensely depressed housing market the Spanish government has announced a number of economic measures which will come into effect from the 1st of March 2010.1-Property transfer tax will be reduced from 7% to 2.5%.2-Vat on new built property sold by promoters will drop to 6% instead of the present 16%3-Capital Gains Tax on the sale of first residences which at present is a 18% will be scrapped whilst second residences will be increased to 25%.4-First time buyers will be able to repay capital only for the first three years of their mortgage as the government will make good the interest to the banks via a national agreement on corporation tax incentives. All the above measures are part of an actual dream I had last night. The rest of the dream consisted of reopening more offices, employing more people, living an active productive life in a beautiful country with a fantastic climate. When I told my wife about this dream she said that if I believe it can happen strongly enough it will happen.

What do you think?

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